medicine naturals :: Just the Essentials - The Top Ten Uses for Eucalyptus Oil ::

Eucalyptus is more than just that crafty stem of leaves used in wall decor and other home made crafts. Although these decorations add a fresh scent and attractive accent to your home, eucalyptus is also available as an essential oil that may benefit you in other ways. Eucalyptus oil has a clear, thin appearance that provides a fresh, cooling, and soothing application with a soft earthy aroma. Eucalyptus oil is most commonly used to treat skin irritations such as insect bites, blisters, irritations and other wounds. The use of Eucalyptus oil is also widely used to treat congestion and respiratory distress as well as other medical disorders. Sinus pressure can be relived naturally by simply massaging a small drop of Eucalyptus oil onto your temples and on your ‘third eye’ or where your nose meets your forehead, being careful to avoid contact with the eyes. Eucalyptus oil will also provide relief to sore muscles when added to massage oil. Isn’t it amazing what one little plant can do?

Essential oils are very complex and are often referred to as the “Life Force” of the plants from which they are derived. These essential oils are stored in the plants cells, ducts and glandular hairs that extend along the flowers, through the leaves, stems, bark and down into the roots. These plants are often considered a gift from Mother Nature to provide us with a unique medicinal healing, along with a protective, regenerating and intoxicating essential oil that is exceedingly beneficial to all human kind. A single essential oil is so highly concentrated and very powerful. These concentrated essential oils can contain hundreds of molecularly designed components that are adjusted just right to induce an assortment of reactions in the human body. Even one or two drops of an essential oil can produce significant results, which is why it’s very important to use these essential oils only as directed.

You should always consult with your physician or aroma therapist prior to using ANY essential oils, especially if you are pregnant or have any existing medical conditions. The top ten uses for Eucalyptus essential oils are as follows:

  1. Eucalyptus oil can be used as an antiseptic gargle.
  2. As a stimulant, Eucalyptus oil can increase cardiac activity.
  3. Eucalyptus oil can be applied externally to treat croup and other spasmodic throat problems.
  4. When used as an ingredient with catheter oil, Eucalyptus oil can be used to lubricate and sterilize urethral catheters.
  5. Equine veterinarians use Eucalyptus oil to treat influenza in horses.
  6. Veterinarians also find Eucalyptus oil helpful in treating dogs with distemper, along with other animals suffering with septicemia, or blood poisoning. It can also be helpful in aiding with parasite infestations.
  7. Eucalyptus oil is used widely by the natives in the country of origin as a remedy for fevers, asthma, whooping cough and other maladies.
  8. Works as a diuretic to treat Dropsy.
  9. Works as a deodorizer and excitant when applied locally for foul-smelling mucous discharges, e.g. vaginal, gonorrheal, septicemia, gangrene and cancerous ulcerations.
  10. When applied externally, Eucalyptus oil can provide relief in a variety of other respiratory distresses.

If used internally in large doses, Eucalyptus oil can turn into an irritant to the kidneys and suppress the nervous system by eventually arresting the respiratory system on the medullar center. Eucalyptus oils, along with other essential oils must be used as directed to avoid possible overdoses that can be very harmful. Eucalyptus overdose symptoms include: drowsiness, convulsions, muscle weakness, shallow or rapid breathing, difficulty in swallowing, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and dizziness. If an overdose is suspected, call your local Poison Control Center immediately for guidance. You must be able to provide the Poison Control Counselors of the patients age, weight and condition, along with the name of the product and when possible the ingredients and the strengths of the ingredients. You may also be asked what time dose was taken and in what amount for the Poison Control Counselor to better assist you.  If you are instructed to go to the Emergency room, be sure to bring the bottle along with you. You can call Poison Control at anytime from anywhere in the United States at 1-800-222-1222.

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