Medicine-Naturals :: Mystic Mojo-Does Gem Therapy Really Work ? ::

Gem therapy is defined as wearing of precious and semiprecious stones for healing the body and emotional well-being. The belief is that all gemstones carry certain vibrations and when places within a person’s aura, it can change the mental and physical outlook of the wearer. It is believed that the human aura consists of nine colors, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, infra-red and ultra violet. An excess or deficiency of any of these colors leads to illness and emotional distress.

The idea of gem therapy is not new. The practice of healing with stones has been around for centuries dating back to the Ancient Greek and Egyptians. The Vedas in India used gemstones widely. They believed that certain imbalances could be corrected by wearing gems against the skin. Gems were also ground and were used in oral medicines. Even royalty wore certain gems on their crowns and in jewelry in hopes of having better health. Gems were thought to influence not only the body, but also nature and it was possible to increase wealth, power and popularity if worn.

Today, those who believe gem therapy works believe that the stones transmit certain wavelengths to the body. The wavelengths convert aura rays into a chemical form that the body can use to improve health. There are many critics of gem therapy. Does gem therapy really work?

Critics of gem therapy believe that the healing or sense of well being the wearer may feel when wearing a gem is more about the power of suggestion or attitude, rather than actual healing. This is called the placebo affect, which is a felt improvement not from the treatment.  Other critics argue that gem therapy has no basis at all. Critics say there are no scientific studies that show that gem therapy really helps the wearer, most of it is only wishful thinking instead.

Those who dismiss gem therapy also believe that even IF gem therapy proved beneficial, a small gem worn on a necklace or bracelet would not be sufficient enough to heal. Instead, the whole body would need to be covered in the gemstone to show any effect at all. Critics also say that crystals and other gemstones cannot possibly harness and direct energy at all, even though some does produce an electrical charge when compressed.

Not so, say those who believe in gem therapy. Those who practice in crystal therapy will point out that many people wearing certain gemstones report feeling better or have an improved sense of well-being. Crystals and gemstone do carry vibrations and channel good energy while warding off bad energy. In addition, those who maintain that gem therapy works believe that gems can help with self-expression, creativity, and meditation and improve the immune system. They also believe that it is a much healthier and natural approach to healing that taking prescription medication.

If the idea of gemstone therapy is appealing, check into a book that can explain all about gems and how gem therapy supposedly works. It is recommended that beginners of gemstone therapy understand that different gems work differently from person to person. The simplest way to practice this form of therapy is to wear high quality gems of natural origin around the neck. It is said that some gemstones work better when soaked in rubbing alcohol and stored for up to a week. Synthetic gems are not recommended because these gems have been heated and changed during processing and do not work as well as natural gems. Look into these commonly found gems for healing benefits.

  • Ruby is said to open the heart and helps the wearer overcome fear.
  • Sapphire is believed to provide mental clarity.
  • Amber helps with depression and emotional stress.
  • Diamonds can increase personal clarity.
  • Jade can create a sense of relaxation and help the wearer feel calm while reducing tension.
  • Coral can strengthen the wearer’s emotions.
  • Black onyx helps change bad habits. It is believe that those wishing to lose weight or stop smoking wear a necklace of black onyx.
  • Emerald is used to improve both physical and emotional well being.
  • Aquamarine can help the wearer handle difficult situations.
  • Opal is believed to broaden the perspective of the wearer.
  • Rose Quartz can help give emotional balance and soothes the emotions.

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