Bleach Babes – Uses of Bleach Products in a Beauty Regiment

Bleach is not just for laundry anymore. You will find that in a beauty regiment, bleach or the process of bleaching are very common place. Whether it is bleaching your hair for a certain look, bleaching your facial hair to make it less noticeable or bleaching your nails, you will see that bleach has found a place firmly in the consciousness of the beauty industry. How is it used and how can you make it a part of your beauty regiment? There are a number of ways that can be very effective if done properly.

One of the most popular uses for bleaching is to lighten facial hair. Bleaching this way actually has chemicals that fuse into the skin and lighten your facial hair. This is particularly valuable if you have a tendency to grow dark facial hair. It should not be confused with removal of hair; it only makes the hair less noticeable. There are essentially three types of bleach and none are great on your skin, but vary in their degree of damaging effects.

For the purposes of this information, you should think about the least harmful version of hair bleach for the face. It is easy to make as well. You simply mix together two tablespoons of powdered milk, hydrogen peroxide until you get a paste, and if your hair is dark then perhaps a drop of ammonia. The mild in the mixture actually moisturizes your skin to prevent burns from the peroxide. Note that there is not liquid bleach in this. Do not use liquid laundry bleaches on your face; it is a harmful chemical. In beauty, bleach products refers to those that lighten or whiten. There are also store bought bleaches you can use on your face, but read the instructions carefully to prevent burns or irritation of your skin. Moisturize well immediately after.

Another beauty use for bleaching products is in removing stains from your nails. Whether it is yellowing with time because of diet or leftovers from polish, a bleach of some sort may be your answer. One recommended way of bleaching your nails is through the use of lemon. When you wear a lot of dark polish or smoke, your nails can yellow and lemon will help get rid of that. Slice a fresh lemon in half and stick each finger in it for a few minutes. The acids in the lemon will not only whiten, but also soften your nails to prevent chipping. Once you have removed your fingers, rinse them and make sure to apply a good moisturizer. Again, there are also some store bought products that may work for you as well, but be aware of what you are getting with these as they may damage skin and nails over the long haul. 

The other use for bleaching products in beauty is to bleach out hair. This can be hard on the scalp, so no matter what method you use, be aware of the dangers to your scalp of the integrity of your hair. You can either use peroxide or a kit to bleach your hair. Either way will work, but you should be aware that the keratin in hair is actually yellowish. So when you bleach hair too much, it may come out looking yellow. In addition, individuals differ in their chemical make up so they will likely react differently to bleach. Your hair may come out reddish, yellowish, or some other color depending on how your chemical makeup is. Other than that, just always follow the directions on the box or kit that you buy and take all precautions. The bleaches that are used in hair bleach are very harsh, so you should also care for your hair much more after you have bleached it to help it recover from the damage that occurs naturally during the bleaching process.

Beauty products come in all forms. However, bleaching products have become a big deal in the beauty industry and should be taken note of. Whether it is for your nails, facial hair, or the hair on your head, bleaching products should be used with care. They are harsh and should be respected. Always follow directions carefully on boxes and read all warnings. If you keep that in mind, your facial hair will be less noticeable, your nails cleaner, and your hair lighter in no time.

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