Medicine Naturals ::: Appearing Perky- Tips to Banish those Eye Circles :::
No one enjoys the look of dark circles around the eyes (especially on the day of a big meeting or a big date!) but they are a very common beauty worry for lots of women. Dark circles appear under the eyes because the area under the eye does not contain any fat (as opposed to other areas of the fact that do) and as a result, blood vessels are very apparent, giving the area a transparent look and prompting the unenviable title of “raccoon eyes.” Due to the lack of fat (or subcutaneous fat layer) there is a very high probability that fluid, as a result of a series of sleepless nights, too much drinking or a great deal of crying, etc. will collect and make it appear as though “bags” have developed under the eyes. No one enjoys this look and it can put a damper on an otherwise good day. Let’s take a closer look at this beauty problem, including the factors that contribute to the development of eye circles and how to combat them.
Age is a common factor in the development of dark circles under the eyes. Like it or not as you get older you will be more prone to them. The skin that protects our eyelids is of a thicker quality when we are young but gets thinner with age. With thinner eyelids comes the exposure of more blood vessels as they are closer to the surface. They become more visible as we get older and therefore more prone to stand out.
Heredity also plays a role yet heredity is unfortunately something we have no control over whatsoever. Allergies to just about anything and the tendency towards thinner eyelids are passed on in families from one generation to another. If heredity is to blame then you simply must accept it and learn ways to handle it as best as you can. Allergies can be to blame for under eye circles while nose related problems such as chronic nasal obstruction can contribute to them as well.
Chronic fatigue and/or a lack of sleep are a very common cause of eye circles but fortunately this is easy to remedy- just get more sleep! Spending too much time in the sun can increase one’s chances of acquiring dark under eye circles as can “woman-related” problems such as menstruation and pregnancy.
Consuming too many alcoholic beverages as well as caffeinated beverages (namely sodas and chocolate drinks) can encourage the swift arrival of those dreaded under eye circles and yet another reason exists for quitting smoking- smoking is another major cause of developing a case of dark under eye circles and smoking serves to wreak havoc with circulation to many areas of the body (even the eyes).
There is no one “cure-all” for dark under eye circles unfortunately but the good news is that there are ways to help avoid getting them as well as ways to help keep them at bay or from being all too painfully obvious and ruining your otherwise flawless look.
Hydrating your body on a daily basis is so very important- and this means drinking water and plenty of it. This point cannot be emphasized enough. The suggestion of drinking “at least eight glasses of water a day” is very true. The body is composed of a lot of water (almost one half) yet we excrete a lot of water regularly and therefore need to replenish the supply constantly so drink up often!
It goes without saying that plenty of shut-eye will go a long way in helping you to avoid the “raccoon eyes” syndrome. Another idea for concealing dark circles is to apply cold compresses to the eyes (or slices of cucumber work just as well) to bring down the swelling or puffiness (especially first thing in the morning). Splashing cold water on your face first thing in the morning has a similar, although less beneficial effect, but it will leave your skin with a rosy glow which should take some of the focus off of the dark circles rimming your eyes!
It has not been proven that eye circles can be banished entirely using creams but there is some evidence to show that they work somewhat in concealing them. Choose creams for eye circles that contain their fair share of antioxidant vitamins (the most essential one being vitamin C). Finally concealer applied after foundation is a must for ladies who wake up to dark eye circles. Always choose a color that is a shade lighter than your skin tone and apply it very gently, making sure not to tug or pull on delicate skin in the eye area.
No one enjoys the look of dark circles around the eyes (especially on the day of a big meeting or a big date!) but they are a very common beauty worry for lots of women. Dark circles appear under the eyes because the area under the eye does not contain any fat (as opposed to other areas of the fact that do) and as a result, blood vessels are very apparent, giving the area a transparent look and prompting the unenviable title of “raccoon eyes.” Due to the lack of fat (or subcutaneous fat layer) there is a very high probability that fluid, as a result of a series of sleepless nights, too much drinking or a great deal of crying, etc. will collect and make it appear as though “bags” have developed under the eyes. No one enjoys this look and it can put a damper on an otherwise good day. Let’s take a closer look at this beauty problem, including the factors that contribute to the development of eye circles and how to combat them.
Age is a common factor in the development of dark circles under the eyes. Like it or not as you get older you will be more prone to them. The skin that protects our eyelids is of a thicker quality when we are young but gets thinner with age. With thinner eyelids comes the exposure of more blood vessels as they are closer to the surface. They become more visible as we get older and therefore more prone to stand out.
Heredity also plays a role yet heredity is unfortunately something we have no control over whatsoever. Allergies to just about anything and the tendency towards thinner eyelids are passed on in families from one generation to another. If heredity is to blame then you simply must accept it and learn ways to handle it as best as you can. Allergies can be to blame for under eye circles while nose related problems such as chronic nasal obstruction can contribute to them as well.
Chronic fatigue and/or a lack of sleep are a very common cause of eye circles but fortunately this is easy to remedy- just get more sleep! Spending too much time in the sun can increase one’s chances of acquiring dark under eye circles as can “woman-related” problems such as menstruation and pregnancy.
Consuming too many alcoholic beverages as well as caffeinated beverages (namely sodas and chocolate drinks) can encourage the swift arrival of those dreaded under eye circles and yet another reason exists for quitting smoking- smoking is another major cause of developing a case of dark under eye circles and smoking serves to wreak havoc with circulation to many areas of the body (even the eyes).
There is no one “cure-all” for dark under eye circles unfortunately but the good news is that there are ways to help avoid getting them as well as ways to help keep them at bay or from being all too painfully obvious and ruining your otherwise flawless look.
Hydrating your body on a daily basis is so very important- and this means drinking water and plenty of it. This point cannot be emphasized enough. The suggestion of drinking “at least eight glasses of water a day” is very true. The body is composed of a lot of water (almost one half) yet we excrete a lot of water regularly and therefore need to replenish the supply constantly so drink up often!
It goes without saying that plenty of shut-eye will go a long way in helping you to avoid the “raccoon eyes” syndrome. Another idea for concealing dark circles is to apply cold compresses to the eyes (or slices of cucumber work just as well) to bring down the swelling or puffiness (especially first thing in the morning). Splashing cold water on your face first thing in the morning has a similar, although less beneficial effect, but it will leave your skin with a rosy glow which should take some of the focus off of the dark circles rimming your eyes!
It has not been proven that eye circles can be banished entirely using creams but there is some evidence to show that they work somewhat in concealing them. Choose creams for eye circles that contain their fair share of antioxidant vitamins (the most essential one being vitamin C). Finally concealer applied after foundation is a must for ladies who wake up to dark eye circles. Always choose a color that is a shade lighter than your skin tone and apply it very gently, making sure not to tug or pull on delicate skin in the eye area.
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